We all want our kids to be happy and one of the things that makes them laugh is tickling. However, tickling can cause more harm than good. Studies have shown that only 32% of the children like being tickled while 36% of the children dislike it. While we assume tickling to be normal since our parents did it too, you have to remember that this was a time when seatbelts were considered to be optional.
Giggling Does Not Mean The Kid Is Enjoying It
The ticklish kids cannot stop laughing when they are being tickled even when they hate the act. The laughter is just reflexive and the parents come under the illusion that the children actually enjoy the tickling. A study conducted at the University of California suggested that tickling does not create the same feelings created when a person laughs at a funny joke.
Asserting Dominance Through Tickling
When you tickle a person, they lose their self-control. It can be humiliating for the child when they struggle to gain control over the adult tickling them. While the adults mean to have fun while tickling a child, the outcome can leave unpleasant memories for the child. Laughing, a response to the tickling, is a sign of submissiveness.
Tickling As A Torture
For a long time, tickling was used as a way to torture people. This was a practice commonly seen during the Han Dynasty in China and the practice became quite popular given that the technique would not leave any marks and the victim recovered almost immediately. The Japanese have a term, kusuguri-zeme, which means ‘merciless tickling’.
The Child Cannot Tell You To Stop
Since the child will be laughing uncontrollably and would not be able to breathe properly, the child will not be able to tell the person who is tickling them to stop. This could start off as something fun but can turn into something serious and can cause medical complications as well.
Tickling Can Cause Break Of Trust
Tickling someone against their will can cause great mental pain to them. If you are a child who was tickled during their childhood days, the emotional damage can last even during your adulthood. Many adults have admitted that their trust issues began as a child when they were being tickled.
Other Ways To Express Love
Many parents believe that they know what is best for their child and feel that tickling is a common thing. However, you can avoid tickling your child in order to tell them you love them. If you ever want to tickle your child, ask for permission beforehand.